
Archive for the ‘Hiring A Surrogate In India’ Category

Finding Surrogates from India

Indian Surrogate pregnancies on rise-Wombs for Rent: Indian Surrogate Mothers-Finding Gestational surrogates-How to Find Surrogate Mothers and Surrogacy Clinic from India-Finding surrogate mothers easier-Surrogate Mother Agencies in India-Outsourcing Pregnancy from India-Womb for Rent-Outsourcing Pregnancy from India-Indian surrogates and Indian Surrogacy Clinic-IVF, Egg Donation, Surrogacy, Surrogates in India-Donor Egg and IVF Surrogacy in India

Commercial surrogacy is a booming industry in India with legions of childless foreign couples looking for a low-cost, legally simple route to parenthood. While the Indian government has been pushing the country as a medical tourism destination, wealthy foreigners paying Indian Surrogate Mothers to have babies and use Indian womb to fulfil their dream of parenthood.

Babies born to gestational surrogates are clearly on the rise, despite the very high costs involved abroad but an alternate low cost arrangement for Intended parents at Indian surrogacy clinics.Surrogate mother services are in real words blessing for those infertile couples who for some reason cannot conceive. Even single men and same sex couples-gay dads can also fulfil their dream of becoming parents with the help of surrogate mother.

Wombs for Rent: Indian Surrogate Mothers

Wombs for Rent: Indian Surrogate Mothers

Surrogate mothers in India are woman who get paid to become pregnant with children of couples who cannot conceive on their own. Surrogate mothers are a growing trend in India for women who are not able to have children. Couples from the United States, UK, Australia, Europe, Israel and elsewhere are increasingly turning to India for the ultimate outsource — surrogate mothers. Infertility clinics and infertility specialists are located in every major Indian city.

While the idea of lending one’s womb to another woman (dubbed as “rent-a-womb” and an outsourcing of pregnancy) may be unpalatable to many Indians, but time seems to be changing, and more women – both single and married – are choosing to be surrogates. The issue was highlighted recently when Bollywood actor Aamir Khan and his wife Kiran Rao decided to have a child using a surrogate mother. Surrogacy is a wonderful opportunity for families who cannot have children any other way, but it is also important to find a service that supports both the surrogate and the potential parents. You need to find the right person to be your surrogate. This is not a role for everyone to be a surrogate mother. This surrogate is like a God to them because without her they would never had their child,Indian Infertility clinic provides their patients with bunch of services like finding surrogate mother, continual monitoring of the surrogates, monitoring their appointments and ensuring that the surrogate mother preserves a healthy lifestyle. Above all they provide facilities to intended parents like visa and passport arrangement, hotel stay, surrogacy attorney and an arrangement for egg donor or sperm donor.

Womb for Rent-Outsourcing Pregnancy from India

How to Find Surrogate Mothers and Surrogacy Clinic from India

Why more and more couples are choosing Indian Surrogate Mothers and Indian surrogacy clinic?

Many foreigners are turning to surrogacy overseas because of obvious reasons like High cost of surrogacy in their country, surrogacy laws of their country and non-availability of surrogacy treatments to single parents or homosexuals.

Apart from above following factors play a crucial role in deciding Indian surrogate mother and surrogacy clinic.

1)  The cost of surrogacy in India is very less as compared to that in the developed countries. Prospective parents can expect to spend 50% less on a surrogate mother for hire in India than what they would spend in a developed country.

This low prices is because the cost of living in India is drastically cheaper than in the Western countries. India is foremost in surrogacy because of the low cost treatment and availability of women opting to be surrogate for childless couples. In India Surrogacy costs about $ 20,000 compared to US where it is $50,000.

2)  Healthcare is cheaper in India. Many surrogacy clinics in India offer attractive packages that includes facilities like fees of doctors, fees of surrogate mother, legal fees, other medical necessities like tests and medications, Visa /Passport for Parents and New-Born, IVF/ICSI procedure including Embryo Freezing, Medications and other expenses for the surrogate, hotel accommodation and site seeing for intended parents. This makes it very advantageous for the foreigners.

3)  India IVF clinics claim a high success rate as doctors are allowed to implant five embryos into the uterus at one time. In many other countries, only two implants are allowed.

4)  The chances of surrogates keeping the child with them after birth are very minimal because they sign away the right to the intended parents before the birth only. Above all surrogate mothers in India come from lower middle-class families. Surrogate mothers do it to enhance their family’s financial condition. Many do it to pay their debts, to buy their own house or to get their children a good education. So the risk is very less.

5)  Legal Aspect of Surrogacy as law are in favour of surrogacy treatment in India.

6)  Surrogacy clinics are state-of-the-art medical facilities, equipped with the latest in cutting edge in ART technologies.

Doctors who work in surrogacy centers are expert physicians, many of whom have years of experience, both in India and abroad.

The majority of Indian doctors speak perfect English, as well, so the language barrier is not something that potential parents need to worry about. Friendly and knowledgeable staff across the leading fertility clinics in the country, helps you in finding a healthy womb carrier in India.

7)  In many countries around the world, surrogacy is either too expensive, illegal, or not available to certain demographics (such as single parents or homosexuals). However, surrogacy in India is available to all. Surrogacy is also permitted for same-sex couples in India.

The draft proposed bill to regulate surrogacy in India is in its way. It may change the scene for gay couples seeking surrogacy in India. The draft law bans gay couples from using surrogate mothers; foreign women will have to prove they cannot bear a child (some women opt for surrogate babies because they fear losing their figure, want to avoid the rigours of labour or are reluctant to leave their careers); allows for couples to be prosecuted if they shun a baby with defects; stops Indian women aged under 21 or over 35 from being surrogates; and stops them giving birth more than five times, including their own children.

Donor Egg and IVF Surrogacy in India

Donor Egg and IVF Surrogacy in India

Commercial surrogacy is a booming industry in India, and in recent years the ranks of childless foreign couples have been swelled by gay partners looking for a low-cost, legally-friendly path to parenthood. Surrogacy Abroad / overseas at Rotunda-The Center for Human Reproduction is open for married, unmarried, and gay/lesbian couples/Singles, Same sex couples who cannot have baby of their due to biological inabilities and deficiencies.

The very first foreign gay partners to secure a baby through surrogacy in India — in May 2008 — were Israelis who used the Rotunda Fertility Clinic in Mumbai, which has been at the forefront of what some call the “pregnancy outsourcing”  trend in India. Dr.Gautam Allahbadia, who runs the clinic, says he has since handled pregnancies for more than 60 overseas gay couples.

The most fascinating thing is that you don’t have to come to India; You have to just send your sperm by The Rotunda CryoShip Global service. We find an egg donor; we get your surrogate pregnant. ”You just come down, pick up your baby, and go back home.” Rotunda offers alternate options for surrogacy in USA, options for surrogacy in Canada, options for surrogacy in Europe by providing best surrogacy doctors in Mumbai India, best surrogate mothers in India, and best surrogacy arrangement in India.

Proven success in surrogacy is inspiring more and more couples to visit India.

For more information related to fertility infertility treatments, male infertility, female infertility, infertility clinic, ivf clinic, ivf treatment, ivf center, surrogacy options in India, surrogate mother in India and infertility specialists- please contact at http://surrogacymumbai.com or http://www.wewantababy.com  or http://www.iwannagetpregnant.com/home.shtml or email at surrogacymumbai.india@gmail.com or simply a phone call at +91 22 2655 2000 or +91 22 26405000.

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Tips for selecting a Surrogate Mother

Surrogacy and the Surrogate Mother- Gestational Surrogate Mother-Gestational Surrogacy- Gestational Surrogate Mother and Surrogacy Contract Using a Surrogate Mother-Few Tips for selecting a Surrogate Mother-Surrogate Mother Cost in India-Surrogate India, Surrogacy Clinics Mumbai, Surrogate Mothers India-Surrogate Mothers India, Surrogate Moms India-The Growth of Commercial Surrogacy in India-Surrogate Mother Process & Gestational Surrogacy Information-Surrogate Mother Process

Sometimes the cost of having your family is immense, specially for couple struggling to conceive. Today many Australians, Couples from USA, Europe travel to India and pay surrogate mothers to bear their child.

Surrogate motherhood is one of many forms of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs) that have developed in response to the increasing number of individuals/couples who find themselves unable to conceive a child on their own.

Surrogate motherhood involves the services of a woman who agrees to carry/gestate a child with the intention of surrendering that child to the intending/commissioning couple upon the birth of the child. The demand for surrogate motherhood is created by a diagnosis of female infertility, although a woman need not be infertile in order to employ the services of a surrogate.

No wonder, India is fast turning into a global hub of surrogate pregnancies. Infertile couples from at least three dozen countries including the USA, the UK and Australia have engaged surrogate mothers in the Indian cities.

Fertility experts pointed out that the high success rate coupled with affordable costs and easy legal documentation has made India the most favorite destination for infertile couples from foreign countries. Surrogacy is 15 to 20 times cheaper in India than in developed nations.

While countries like the USA, UK and Australia have stringent laws that make it difficult or impossible to hire surrogate mothers, India does not have clear-cut laws on womb rentals.

Tips for selecting a Surrogate Mother

Surrogate India, Surrogacy Clinics Mumbai, Surrogate Mothers India

Surrogate motherhood is one of many forms of Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ARTs) that have developed in response to the increasing number of individuals/couples who find themselves unable to conceive a child on their own. Surrogate motherhood involves the services of a woman who agrees to

carry/gestate a child with the intention of surrendering that child to the intending/commissioning couple upon the birth of the child. The demand for surrogate motherhood is created by a diagnosis of female infertility, although a woman need not be infertile in order to employ the services of a surrogate.

Factors that have contributed to the popularization of surrogate motherhood and other reproductive technologies are both medical and social in nature. A diagnosis of infertility is defined as the inability of a heterosexual couples to produce a pregnancy after one year of regular intercourse, that is, unprotected intercourse. The social factors that have contributed to the rise in the rates of infertility and that have resulted in an increase in the demand for reproductive technologies are the trend toward later marriages and the tendency for growing numbers of women to delay having children until later in their reproductive years. With advances in reproductive medicine, couples who would not have been able to reproduce in the past are now able to have children who are completely or partially genetically related to them.

Surrogate motherhood has come a long way in the history of surrogacy. From rarely spoken of traditional surrogacies of centuries past, to family members acting as surrogate carriers and commercial surrogacy of today, the road has been longhand many miracles and hardships have been faced along the way. It will be interesting to see what will happen to the history of surrogacy in the next 20,50 or 100 years. Normally surrogate mothers are of two types.

1). Traditional surrogate: The surrogate mother is also the biological mother. The surrogate is inseminated (usually artificially) with the intended father’s sperm.

2.) Gestational surrogate: Both the egg and sperm of the intended parents are joined and the pre-embryo(s) are placed into the surrogate who will carry and deliver the child. The gestational surrogate has no genetic link to the child.

Surrogates are rewarded for helping an infertile couple realize their dreams of becoming parents. They are also compensated, and in addition, all legal, medical, maternity clothes, child care (if necessary), transportation and other costs related to the arrangement will be paid by the intended parents.

It is very crucial decision to decide about surrogate mother for both intended parents and for surrogate herself. Surrogate has to go through stringent selection process. When it is about surrogate and a baby, no compromise is made. A lot depends on the approach, thought process, medical condition of the surrogate that is selected. Surrogate must love to be pregnant.

Every step is planned, designed and standardized for all potential surrogates. They are initially counseled and educated about the surrogacy program and the responsibilities it carries along with. Following are the few requirements that a surrogate has to fulfill before entering into any surrogacy contract.

1. Detailed Interview (verbal & written): surrogate has to go through a detailed set of investigations regarding her education, family life, financial conditions, her need to become a surrogate and many more.

2. Psychological analysis: She has to pass a psychological screening by a mental health professional to uncover any issues with giving up the baby after birth. This is carried out to make sure she is ready to become a carrier and is comfortable with the arrangement.

3. Reliable support system from family, friends, and work environment: It is equally important that surrogate has the support of her family, husband and friends. It is necessary to know whether she is doing it on her will or she is forced to become surrogate because of the financial benefits..

4. Investigations / screening for surrogate: Once a surrogate is decided she has to go through lots of test. It is advised that a surrogate have a complete medical evaluation and pregnancy history to assess the likelihood of a healthy, full-term pregnancy. Screening for infectious diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea,  chlamydia, HIV, cytomegalovirus, and hepatitis B and C is also done. Surrogates also need screening for immunity to measles, rubella, and chickenpox. A medical procedure to visually “map” the normal structures of the uterus is also advised. This is to evaluate the potential to carry a pregnancy.

5. Background Investigation: This is done to know whether surrogate or her family has any criminal records. It is also done to validate the information, the surrogate has provided.

6. Age limit: the surrogate has to be between the ages of 21 to 35 years.

7. The surrogate must have already given birth to at least one healthy baby so she understands first-hand the medical risks of pregnancy and childbirth and the emotional issues of bonding with a newborn. Surrogate should not have experienced any major pregnancy complications in her previous delivery.

8. Surrogate shouldn’t be prone to any kind of unwanted habits like smoking, drinking or drugs. It is also seen that she is not used to excessive caffeine.

Once the choice for the surrogate is narrowed down the final step is to make and sign the surrogacy contract. It is important to remember that intended parents are selecting a surrogate and the surrogate mother is also choosing you. Both the parties are ready to sign the contract. Pay special attention to the details of the surrogacy contract, to make sure it includes everything that has been agreed upon, including the fee. To protect your rights as parents-to-be and the rights of the child you’re hoping to have, hire an attorney well-versed in reproductive rights. The attorney can write a surrogacy contract. The contract should clearly state the obligations of the surrogate mother and the parents-to-be. Such a legal contract may help if legal issues arise after birth.  Along with any financial arrangements, a surrogate contract outlines agreements about all possible outcomes of the pregnancy, For instance, what will happen if a multiple pregnancy, such as the birth of triplets, occurs. Once this phase is complete, the contract will be signed by all parties and all the surrogates’ payments, if she were to become pregnant, are deposited in an account to make sure all payments to the surrogate are promptly and accurately made. This summarizes some of the primary duties of the surrogate mother.

An enterprise known as reproductive outsourcing is a new but rapidly expanding business in India. Clinics that provide surrogate mothers for foreigners say they have recently been inundated with requests from the United States and Europe, as word spreads of India’s mix of skilled medical professionals, relatively liberal laws and low prices of medical services and surrogate mothers.

Commercial surrogacy, which is banned in some states and some European countries, was legalized in India in 2002. The cost comes to about $25,000, roughly a third of the typical price in the United States. That includes the medical procedures, payment to the surrogate mother, which is often, but not always, done through the clinic, plus air tickets and hotels for two trips to India (one for the fertilization and a second to collect the baby).

Surrogacy is an act of love, but also a financial transaction, that brings people together like this. In India surrogates do it to give their children a better education, to buy a home, to start up a small business, a shop, to repay their debts and to have a better lifestyle. It is two people who are helping out each other. There are no firm statistics on how many surrogacies are being arranged in India for foreigners, but anecdotal evidence suggests a sharp increase. Under guidelines issued by the Indian Council of Medical Research, surrogate mothers sign away their rights to any children. A surrogate’s name is not even on the birth certificate. This eases the process of taking the baby out of the country.

The clinic, known more formally as Rotunda — The Center for Human Reproduction based in Mumbai India is one such clinic that offers customized surrogacy and affordable surrogacy packages to people of all nationalities. All couples including lesbian and gay couples and even single men and single women can avail this facility to fulfill their dream of enjoying parenthood.

Now everyone can have a baby, everyone can Start Creating Families through Surrogacy and be a proud parent by contacting on websites at http://www.iwannagetpregnant.com or http://www.surrogacymumbai.com

FAQ Surrogacy

Affordable Surrogacy in India

Gestational surrogacy India

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The journey of surrogacy for Intended Parents-Intended parents, surrogate mothers egg donors and egg donation-Steps to surrogacy process in India-10 Tips for intended parents to consider before surrogacy-10 steps to successful surrogacy and parenting-Gestational Surrogacy FAQ for Intended Parents-Questions about surrogate mothers egg donors and surrogacy for Intended Parents.

Intended Parents are the infertile couples who intend to have a child through the process of surrogacy. The individual or individuals who enter into a surrogacy agreement with surrogate mother with intent to become legal parent or legal parents of the child born to the surrogate are known as intended parents.

People of all sexualities [Gay, LGBT, Same Sex and straight]who want to have a child of their own but cannot conceive due to reasons out of their control become the intended parents in the process of surrogacy. Intended parents are either biological parents or need the help of egg donor, sperm donor and the surrogate mother. The parties to the agreement will be intended
parent or intended parents, surrogate and the surrogate’s husband if any.

10 steps to successful surrogacy and parenting

Questions about surrogate mothers egg donors and surrogacy for Intended Parents

The community of intended parents is very big and come from all walks of life and every corner of the world. They may be infertile couples, single mom or dad or gay and lesbian couples. They all have one thing in common – a burning desire to become a parent or parents. It is very important for the Intended couple to select the right surrogate based on the review of complete medical records, checking family history, and social/criminal background and education level. It is also necessary to get a perfect psychological evaluation of the surrogate before selecting for surrogacy or Egg donation. Surrogacy or Egg donation is the best solution for infertility and other relative problems.

Intended parents are people who use conventional methods to have the children. Some intended parents opt for adoption or traditional surrogacy, while others choose gestational surrogacy. Gestational surrogacy has the advantage of offering intended parents the chance to have a child that is biologically related to one or both of them. All couples with infertility issues to single people to gay and lesbian couples can enjoy the parenthood with surrogacy. They all want to be parents and cannot do so without the help of a surrogate mother and/or egg and sperm donors.

Types of Intended Parents:
The parents that contract for a commercial surrogacy and bring the baby home, are actually referred to as intended parents in surrogate motherhood. There are three main types of intended parents: traditional couples, same-sex couples, and single intended parents.

Traditional Intended Parents: The term intended parents usually refers to a male/female couple who are the parents of the child conceived via commercial surrogacy. Most of the time, at least one of the parents is the biological parent of the child conceived, though quite commonly, both the intended mother and the intended father are the biological parents of the child.

Same sex couple: Intended Fathers called as gay couple has to sought help of a surrogate mother to help them have their own children. These men will either seek a traditional surrogate mother and use the sperm of one of the fathers, or will seek a gestational surrogate mother, and also an egg donor. Most likely, sperm of one father will be used, but in the case of a gestational surrogacy, it is not uncommon for intended fathers to use sperm from both partners.

Though uncommon, there are some circumstances where a set of homosexual intended mothers would seek a surrogate mother. The reason this is rare is that with two women, the chances of both experiencing fertility problems becomes rarer.

Single intended parents: Occasionally an unmarried man or woman will enter into commercial surrogacy. The reasons for an unmarried woman to seek a surrogate are usually the same as that of a male/female couple, but for the single male, he is most likely ready to start a family, and has not found the perfect partner.

It is very important for the Intended couple to select the right surrogate based on the review of complete medical records, checking family history, and social/criminal background and education level. It is also necessary to get a perfect psychological evaluation of the surrogate before selecting for surrogacy or Egg donation. Surrogacy or Egg donation is the best solution for infertility and other relative problems.

All Intended Parents must consider following 10 most important steps while entering into the Successful journey of surrogacy.

1] Intended Parenting: Determine beforehand whether surrogacy is right for you. Intended Parents opting for surrogacy must seriously consider all issues prior to making a decision to go ahead with a surrogacy arrangement.

2] Make all necessary inquiries for surrogacy agency, surrogate process, surrogate mothers, egg donors, egg donation, surrogacy cost and surrogacy law. Read the surrogacy contract agreement properly. Educate yourself thoroughly about surrogacy related questions.

3] Create a letter or profile about yourself.
To help you find an ideal match, it is best to create a letter or profile about you and your partner. Describe your personal data, why you need surrogacy, surrogacy plans, time frames and any requirements you may have for your potential surrogate mother.

4] Screening of surrogate mothers and Surrogate Selection Process.
This is the most important and challenging part of the whole surrogacy process. While choosing a surrogate one must consider the surrogates reproductive history, diet pattern, previous transfer, height, weight, Surrogate’s support of the spouse and the family. Besides this entire surrogate has to go through extensive medical screening for any infections or diseases should be undertaken. Physiological screening as well as a thorough background check is also done.

5] Screening and Egg donors Selection Process before egg donation.
Egg donor has to go through medical and physiological examination to evaluate their genetic history. Surrogates and egg donor are selected simultaneously. Egg donor profiles and photos are provided for selection.

6] Surrogacy Legal Agreements.
A legal agreement is the most essential step in the whole process of surrogacy. Intended parents should comply with the legal aspects of surrogacy. Complete research should be done regarding laws pertaining to the intended parents’ country and arrive at a customized legal agreement. Concerned parties should sign the surrogacy agreement.

7] Payments to surrogate mothers.
Never send any payments prior to signing a Surrogacy Agreement. Do not send money to your surrogate mother before signing a surrogacy agreement. All payments should be reimbursed after a receipt has been made. Some surrogate mothers use retainer fees before attempts at pregnancy, be sure the retainer agreement complies with law and has been checked by your lawyer.

8] Cost involved in surrogacy.
The surrogacy is very expensive. Intended parents must consider their financial position before deciding for surrogacy. It has been observed that surrogacy overseas is very cheaper rather than in western countries. Hence intended parents must keep this option also open.

9] Confirmation of pregnancy of surrogate mother.
When the IVF process is completed and it is confirmed that surrogate is pregnant, Intended parents are curious to know the state of pregnancy of the surrogate. They should remain in touch with surrogates health, progress in pregnancy and with the fertility clinic. The birth of a baby is a joyful movement for any parents. Here intended parents have the option to be present during the delivery of their baby.

10] Post Birth Formalities.
Once the baby is born through surrogacy, intended parents should starts legal formalities for taking the possession of baby. Educate yourself on the legal status of surrogacy in your province, state or country. Not being aware of current laws and taking shortcuts could result in jeopardizing your parental rights.  One of the best way to make sure you are properly
adhering to the laws and (often changing) regulations, is to hire a lawyer that specializes in third party reproduction or surrogacy consultant to help guide you through the surrogacy process.

At the end of the whole surrogacy process take a deep breath, remain patient and try to focus on the end result… your baby! Get ready to enjoy the parenthood.

Many people globally are now choosing India a destination for Surrogacy. Simple reasons like: Surrogacy Treatment is Economical In India, Best Of IVF Doctor Easy to find Surrogate Mother In India, Legal Aspect of Surrogacy as law are in favor of the Intended parents going for surrogacy treatment.

Hence Surrogacy or Egg donation is the best solution available to intended parents for infertility and other relative problems. Whether it is financial, legal, immigration, travel or medical issues that Intended Parents had to contend with; these issues are no longer going to keep anyone from their dream of beginning a family.

“Surrogacymumbai”, a website hosted by Rotunda-The Center for Human Reproduction gives you an insight into the surrogacy in India, egg donors services, surrogate mothers, egg donation and is Surrogacy IVF specialty clinic in India. Seeking surrogacy is by no means an easy decision both emotionally and financially, no matter how compelling the reason to seek it may be.

Whether it is financial, legal, immigration, travel or medical issues that Intended Parents had to contend with; these issues are no longer going to keep anyone from their dream of beginning a family.

We demystify the process making it as easy and comfortable Surrogacy journey as possible for the intended parent(s) We have every service relevant and pertinent to surrogacy under one roof. With a ground logistics team helping with the accommodations and travel, years of experience, we are fully geared to help clients of nearly all nationalities realize their dream for parenthood through surrogacy.

The most fascinating thing is that you may not have to come to India at first, You have to just send your sperm by The Rotunda CryoShip Global service. We find an egg donor, we get your surrogate pregnant.”You just come down, pick up your baby, and go
back home.”

Start Creating your family today by contacting:

Rotunda-The Center for Human Reproduction
http://www.wewantababy.com or http://www.iwannagetpregnant.com
+91 22 2640 5000

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You are at the right place If you are thinking of surogate mother ,Surrogate Motherhood ,Surrogate Mothers in India, Outsourcing Surrogacy to India, Surrogacy and Egg Donation programs, good surrogacy offers in India,surrogacy in India.

Rotunda-The Center for Human Reproduction ,Best Surrogacy Center in India provide a high-quality low-cost alternative to patients who in their home country cannot afford the surrogacy procedure because of the high cost or long waiting lines.

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Surrogate Mothers in India - Outsourcing Surrogacy to India

Foreign couples turn to India for surrogate mothers

Rotunda offers  alternate options for surrogacy in USA, options for surrogacy in Canada,options for surrogacy in Europe by providing best surrogacy doctors in Mumbai India, best surrogate mothers in India, best surrogacy arrangement in India.

Surrogacy Options in Mumbai India

Seeking surrogacy can be a difficult and frustrating experience, emotionally and sometimes financially . At Rotunda, we work hand-in-hand with you to make every phase of the process — from diagnosis to treatment– as predictable and comfortable as possible.

Rotunda – The Center for Human Reproduction is IVF Surrogacy Clinic and fertility center in Mumbai,India,Asia.

We are state-of-the-art IVF laboratory which is Mumbai’s first ISO 9001-2000 facility. We are Infertility, Fertility & IVF,Surrogacy Clinic for Male & Female in Mumbai,India for all nationalities.

Childless couples look to India for surrogate mothers

Surrogate Mother India - Surrogacy Clinic

Rotunda Clinic offers comprehensive Surrogacy Services:

Rotunda-The Center for Human Reproduction
+91 22 2655 2000

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